About Aurum

Positively different

Could your portfolio benefit from an alternative perspective?

What we do

Aurum is a hedge fund investment specialist focused solely on selecting hedge funds and managing fund of hedge fund portfolios. Our portfolios are designed to grow and protect our clients’ capital, while providing consistent and diversified returns.

We have delivered results to clients with five clear investment needs.

Real inflation adjusted returns

Low volatility of returns

Capital protection during turbulent markets

Low correlation to equities and bonds

High consistency of positive performance

Investing our clients’ capital alongside our own since 1994 across multiple market cycles. Aurum has always remained independent and this ensures that we remain free to invest in accordance with our conviction, and every decision we make is made in the best interest of our clients. We understand the difficulties markets can present investors with and the negative impact of downside volatility on long-term returns.

Get the latest hedge fund data and insights

Aurum’s quarterly review – Q2 2024


Aurum’s commingled and bespoke fund of hedge funds $US classes delivered returns ranging from +0.8% to +1.8% in Q2 2024, driven by robust performances…

Hedge fund industry performance deep dive – H1 2024


Hedge fund assets – as measured by those funds reporting to Aurum’s Hedge Fund Data Engine – have grown by $103.1bn since the end of 2023 to stand at just under $3.0tn…

Monthly hedge fund industry performance review – June 2024


Hedge fund performance was generally positive in June. Strategy performance was mixed. The average asset weighted hedge fund net return across all strategies…

Monthly hedge fund industry performance review – May 2024


Hedge fund performance was generally positive in May; most strategies, particularly those with a higher beta to equities, had positive performance. The…

ESG policy outlook – where are we now?


Aurum Funds Limited hosted their second Alternative ESG Symposium in May 2024, aimed at driving forward positive, sustainable change across the industry…

Monthly hedge fund industry performance review – April 2024


Hedge fund performance was generally flat in April, however this masked dispersion between underlying strategies; the average asset weighted hedge fund…

Multi-strategy hedge fund primer: deep dive into diversification


Multi-strategy hedge funds seek to maximise risk-adjusted returns by investing in a variety of underlying investment strategies, or differing…

Aurum’s quarterly review – Q1 2024


Performance for Aurum’s commingled fund of hedge funds $US classes ranged from +1.5% to +3.8% in the first quarter of 2024. Multi-strategy and systematic…

Hedge fund industry performance deep dive – Q1 2024


Hedge funds ended Q1 2024 up 4.9%, outperforming bonds, -2.1%, but behind equities, +7.3%. Quant was the strongest performing master strategy in Q1…

Monthly hedge fund industry performance review – March 2024


Hedge fund performance was generally positive in March; the average asset weighted hedge fund net return across all strategies was 2.06%. For a second…

Monthly hedge fund industry performance review – February 2024


Hedge fund performance was generally positive in February; the average asset weighted hedge fund net return across all strategies was 1.80%. All hedge…

Monthly hedge fund industry performance review – January 2024


Hedge fund performance was generally positive in January; the average asset weighted hedge fund net return across all strategies was 0.99%. All hedge fund…

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