Proximity® is Aurum’s portfolio knowledge sharing platform.

Proximity® has been designed with your needs in mind to deliver detailed information on your investments.


Elegantly designed
accessible from anywhere

Proximity’s® interface is clear and intuitive. Our software has been optimised for all major web browsers on desktop and mobile.

Dynamic and customisable

“I love having the ability to view statistical information and metrics over different time periods in a single click.”

Relevant and up to date

“Using Proximity® gives a significantly better understanding of what is going on in the funds we are invested in.”

Analysis on the go

Detailed analysis on individual
holdings or on your overall portfolio

You will have access to intuitive tools linked to our powerful
database; giving you quick and easy access to data, content
and statistics on your Aurum investments.

Comprehensive resources at your fingertips

Data, analytics and insights shared with total transparency.


Historic performance and attribution

Underlying manager newsletters

Risk and performance analytics

Customised charting

Data refreshed throughout the day

Portfolio modelling

Industry data

Monthly commentary on all underlying managers

Messaging with Aurum analytics